
To Read in Digital Format

Richard Owen Roberts is a leading author and editor of books on revival. College of Revival has obtained permission to make the following books available to be read from the College of Revival website without financial cost, on your part.

All content published on this site remains under copyright protection but may be freely accessed electronically via the website. However, Mr. Roberts seven pamphlets may now be copied or duplicated as long as they are copied in their entirety and never charged for, as stipulated now on the first page of each of the seven pamphlets.

Featured Books

What is revival? When is revival needed? When can it be expected? What truth must it emphasize? What are the dangers of revival? What are the hindrances to revival? Will the fruits of revival last? These are the questions Richard Owen Roberts urges upon your consideration in Revival!

It is a serious problem when society misunderstands or disregards sin and repentance. But when the church neglects these doctrines, the impact is profound. This book unfolds the nature and necessity of biblical repentance, but for the church in particular. Roberts’ in-depth study heavily references both the Old and New Testaments, and includes chapters on the myths, maxims, marks, models, and motives of repentance, as well as the graces and fruits that accompany it. There is also wise warning about the dangers of delayed repentance.

Powerful sermons on the doctrines of grace were common during America’s Great Awakening. This collection of historic yet very timely messages covers the full spectrum of the doctrine of salvation. Drawn from the works of the Awakening’s leading figures, these 20 sermons, each with a biographical sketch of its author … [were] originally delivered from the pulpit as messages to common congregations, they still speak profoundly today…these sermons will help each believer better understand what God has given them in Christ and cannot help but to draw them into a stronger relationship with Him.

Revivals are sometimes classed among movements that are due to ignorance, fanaticism, and unhealthy imitation. The story of Scottish revivals is inspiring for the role played by men of scholarship, wisdom, and prudence, and does much to remove the prejudice. Describing the effects of the revival in Easter Ross about the middle of the eighteenth century, Hugh Miller wrote that they were felt “for more than eighty years after.”…Christianity has flowed like a stream of clear fresh water over the arid soul of mankind, and Scotland’s history is full of explosive outburst from the fountainhead.

This volume contains over a dozen powerful sermons calling the Church to fasting and to solemn assembly. A look through an index of early American publications reveals the wealth of attention that America’s founding fathers gave to this issue of corporate repentance, and a selection of sermons preached between 1645 and 1753 is included here, along with calls to corporate repentance issued by government bodies and in church covenants.

The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 was the last of a most wonderful series of extraordinary blessings which the Principality enjoyed from the Puritan period onward… We are convinced that the world-wide revival of the Christian Church must be the number-one priority of its people. But the revival we need is not one that lasts a few months and then destroys itself on excesses and extremes. The world desperately needs a ‘Reformation Revival’ which lasts an entire generation.

Powerful revival occurred with wonderful frequency in Wales from the early Puritan period until the end of the nineteenth century, but it has been a long dry season since the revival of 1904-1905… Author Vernon Higham believes God still delights to meet his people! With Isaiah sixty-two through sixty-four as his text, Higham writes of our tremendous need of revival in fresh and flavorful language.